Track-Trace Track shipments by entering shipment number and pressing Track. A search will be directed to the associated company. For post and air cargo the search in addition will be directed based on the shipment number. 21240 Article rating: 4.0
Government Liquidation US GOV'T Surplus GL operates an innovative and powerful online sales channel that enables surplus buyers to purchase available government assets in a convenient and open environment. 20938 Article rating: 5.0
Automated Housing Referral Network AHRN The Automated Housing Referral Network ( is the preferred and trusted housing referral resource for the military community around the world designed to assist the military community locate available housing. 20219 Article rating: 5.0
DPAS Tech Support The Defense Property Accountability System (DPAS)is a Department of Defense (DoD) property management system. It is the Accountable Property System of Record (APSR) for over 20 DoD Agencies and Military Services. DPAS contains three modules, Property Accountability, Supply Store and Maintenance & Utilization. 19816 Article rating: 5.0
Total Workforce Management Services TWMS Total Workforce Management Services TWMS 19727 Article rating: 5.0
Navy PDREP Data is collected from all Naval Systems Commands on a daily basis and is maintained in the following records on the database: Contractor CAGE Information, Debarment/Suspension, Contract Delivery Data, DLA Contractor Alert List, GIDEP Alerts, Material Inspection Records, Product Quality Deficiency Reports, Qualified Product List, Special Quality Data, Surveys, and Test Reports 19288 Article rating: 5.0
Navy Technical Assistance for Repairables Processing TARP TARP is a NAVSUP Weapon Systems Support (WSS) (formerly NAVICP) program and is responsible for exercising general oversight of the Navy/s repairable assets, including the PHS&T elements of both Ready for Issue (RFI) and non-Ready for Issue (NRFI) assets. 18933 Article rating: 4.0
DoD Web Supply Discrepancy Reporting SDR The DoD WebSDR application supports Defense Logistics Management Standards (DLMS) implementation of SDR procedures. 18484 Article rating: 5.0
DoD Ribbon Checker Click the boxes next to the ribbons you are currently authorized to wear, then press the button below to get a graphical representation of them. This program does not currently take into account ribbon devices, including combat V's and stars for multiple awards. 18006 Article rating: 4.3
Transportation Control & Movement Document TCMD Transportation Account Code Interrogation Query (TACINQ) Transportation Account Code Inquiry - TACs are used and assigned daily all over the world by shippers, Transportation Offices, Ports, and Transportation Component Commands (TCCs), and are essential to the operation of the DTS. 17873 Article rating: 4.7
The DLA Internet Bid Board System DIBBS The DLA Internet Bid Board System (DIBBS) is a web-based application that provides the capability to search for, view, and submit secure quotes on Requests For Quotations (RFQs) for Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) items of supply. DIBBS also allows users to search and view Request For Proposals (RFPs), Invitations For Bid (IFBs), Awards and other procurement information related to DLA. 17294 Article rating: 4.5