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Navy e-Learning

Sailors depend on NeL to help advance their careers and stay current with training requirements. Courses range from general military training to specific training for individual units.

Link to sitelearning.nel.navy.mil/
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Commercial phone number(855) 628-9311
DSN phone number(510) 628-9311
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Site owner/admin email[email protected]

Sailors depend on NeL to help advance their careers and stay current with training requirements. Courses range from general military training to specific training for individual units. The site also contains an individual's training history where completion certificates can be obtained. To find certificates for completed courses, click on the 'Open My Training History' link located above the 'Show Individual Courses' and 'Show Curricula' tabs.

Trainees using NeL complete over five million online courses a year, from a comprehensive catalog of 12,500 distance learning courses. The Naval Education and Training Command relies on NeL for use in schoolhouses for individual skills and skill refresher training.

To access NeL through a link on My Navy Portal (MNP), select the "Professional Resources" drop-down menu, then "Navy e-learning Online Courses."

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