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QBD QBO DSS Location Owner Inquery System

QBD QBO DSS Location Owner Inquery System

Link to siteprovdssapps.dla.mil/qbdqbo.net/
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[.mil] required for accessYes

This web site provides DLA DSS Inventory query by NIIN

Site ID are below:

ACJA- Djibouti
DDEW- Puget- Sound- -- Everett
DDNB- Bahrain
EGDE- Germersheim,- Germany
EISI- Sigonella,- Italy
HEAA- Anniston
HEAG- Albany
HEAM- Albany- -- Maintenance
HEBG- Ft- Benning
HECL- Camp- LeJune
HECN- Cherry- Point
HEGC- New- London
HEGI- Great- Lakes
HEJF- Jacksonville
HEJG- Gulfport
HELO- Litigation- (Whitehall- Ohio)
HEMC- Parris- Island
HEMR- Mapping- -- Richmond
HENV- Norfolk
HERC- Ft- Jackson
HERG- Rockwell- Collins
HERV- Richmond
HES2- Susquehanna
HETP- Tobyhanna
HEWG- Warner- Robins
HEWM- Leonard- Wood
HEWO- Whitehall- -- Ohio
HWAC- Ft- Carson
HWBC- Barstow
HWBM- Barstow- -- Maintenance
HWC1- Corpus- Christi
HWDC- San- Diego
HWJ2- San- Joaquin
HWLT- Lackland
HWOC- Port- Hueneme
HWOO- Oklahoma
HWO2- Hill
HWPW- Puget- Sound
HWRO- ?????
HWRT- Red- River
HWSC- San- Diego- (RTC)
PGGU- Guam
PPAP- Hawaii

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