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My Navy HR

My Navy HR

Link to sitewww.mynavyhr.navy.mil/
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While each part of MyNavy HR has a distinctive mission, we all play a role in supporting the organization’s vision of a diverse, forward-leaning, transformative team demonstrating an unparalleled commitment to meeting the needs of the Fleet, our Sailors, their families and the MyNavy HR Team.

MyNavy HR is more than just a name. It represents a collective organization dedicated to attracting, developing and managing the talent that ensures our advantages at sea while providing exceptional service to our Sailors and their families.


MyNavy HR is continually evolving to provide better customer service and support to our Sailors, delivering the right Sailor experience throughout their entire career.
Our guiding principles give us a clear focus as we continually serve Sailors 24/7:


For the Force

Focus on Sailors and Families
Our success is measured by how we take care of Sailors and their families so they can carry out the mission.
Enrich Sailors’ Service
Create rewarding Navy experiences by enabling Sailors to actively participate in the management of their training and assignments.
Forge Resiliency and Warrior Toughness
Develop our Sailors’ minds, bodies and spirits to thrive in the face of personal and professional challenges.

For the MyNavyHR Team

Focus On Our People
A safe, motivated, empowered and well-trained MyNavy HR workforce is the foundation of our success.
Deliver Human Resources Excellence
Provide solutions with speed, accuracy, clarity, transparency and accessibility.

Disciplined Analytical Decision-Making
Harness the combined power of robust data analytics, experience and fearless deliberative processes to forecast Navy needs with precision to ensure mission success.

For Both

Leveraging Diverse Teams to Innovate and Win
Advance inclusivity, respect and open communications to foster a more creative, competitive and operationally effective Navy.

Three pillars support our promise and commitment to serve Sailors 24/7:

Force Development is dedicated to ensuring Sailors are equipped with the specific skills they need to do their jobs and have access to educational opportunities to enhance their careers. Careers in the Navy can be complex and demanding. Continuous and timely training ensures Sailors have the skills they need so they're able to perform at their highest levels. Education is also an important aspect of building a career and we want Sailors to be aware of all educational opportunities that are available to them. Ready, Relevant Learning is bedrock of our modernized training systems and curriculums.
Force Management is dedicated to ensuring the Fleet is manned with the right Sailor, in the right job, at the right time and Sailors’ HR needs are met during their entire Navy career. MyNavy HR ensures our Sailors are ready to respond to national security threats in a way that supports the Sailor and the Fleet. This also means that Sailors receive reliable, easily accessible HR support whenever and wherever they need it to allow them to focus on their jobs without distraction or worry.
Enterprise Support is designed to deliver the set of capabilities needed to integrate MyNavy HR's operating model and provide more effective, efficient and continuously modern services to its Sailors and Fleet customers. This means that Enterprise Support is focused on what MyNavy HR needs to achieve and advance its mission.

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