DoD Web Supply Discrepancy Reporting SDR The DoD WebSDR application supports Defense Logistics Management Standards (DLMS) implementation of SDR procedures. 19109 Article rating: 5.0
DoD White Pages Users of the DoD Enterprise White Pages can utilize a combination of search fields and techniques in order to quickly and easily locate an individual for whom they are searching. 123767 Article rating: 4.1
Dove Bid Surplus Sales GoIndustry DoveBid (Go-Dove), a Liquidity Services marketplace, provides professional buyers with access to an unparalleled variety and volume of surplus business assets from Liquidity Services' 14890 Article rating: 3.5
DPAS Table of Allowance All commands under NECC are required to add items over 5K that are not part of the regular Table of Allowance, to this inventory program. 11456 Article rating: 3.5
DPAS Tech Support The Defense Property Accountability System (DPAS)is a Department of Defense (DoD) property management system. It is the Accountable Property System of Record (APSR) for over 20 DoD Agencies and Military Services. DPAS contains three modules, Property Accountability, Supply Store and Maintenance & Utilization. 20189 Article rating: 5.0
Drug Digest DrugDigest is a noncommercial, evidence-based, consumer health and drug information site dedicated to empowering consumers to make informed choices about drugs and treatment options. 13092 Article rating: 5.0
DTS Per Diem Rates Query DoD Per Diem Rates, includes international rates. 13915 Article rating: No rating
EDA DoD Contract Status Electronic Document Access (EDA)is an online system designed to provide acquisition related information for use by all of the Department of Defense. 13790 Article rating: No rating
Electronic Transportation Acquisition ETA Use when tracking shipments over sea and over land. Self help is located at 21630 Article rating: 4.5