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TLAMM-P Theater Lead Agent for Medical Materiel- Pacific

Mission: 18 MDG provides medical logistics support to U.S. forces and organizations operating inside the Pacific Command's AOR, excluding the Korea Theater of Operations (KTO), as DOD's Theater Lead Agent for Medical Materiel-Pacific.

Link to sitelogtool.com

Mission:  18 MDG provides medical logistics support to U.S. forces and organizations operating inside the Pacific Command's AOR, excluding the Korea Theater of Operations (KTO), as DOD's Theater Lead Agent for Medical Materiel-Pacific.

https://medlog.detrick.af.mil/ This requires an account setup.

Click on the links at the bottom of this page to download the below documents.
Customer Service Slides
TLAMM Pacific Customer Handbook
Customer Support Tri-fold
Reachback/TLAMM Users’ Guide
Contact Information: KADENA AB
FM5270 - 18MDG/SGSM
Unit 5268, FM5270
Fairchild Ave, Bldg 910
 DSN: 315-630-1505 (customer service)
 COMM:011-81-611-730-1505 (customer service)
011-81-80-2701-7896 (TLAMM-P After hours)
DSN: 315-634-3067

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