Defense Occupational and Environmental Health Readiness System DOEHRS Defense Occupational and Environmental Health Readiness System DOEHRS 13352 Article rating: 4.0
Internet Guide For Naval Supply (Free Download) Updated 12-30-2024 As logisticians in the US Navy and Marine Corps, it is your job to provide the best information available to your customers 11202 Article rating: 4.0
Microsoft DoD CVR Work and Conference Environment The CVR Environment was created to help the DoD community work remotely from anywhere in the world during the COVID-19 national emergency. This capability is designed for DoD teleworkers, but may be used with some limitations via Virtual Private Network and in the office. 62558 Article rating: 4.0
USAF DoDAAC Search Easy to use tool that enables users to Search, Request, Change, Delete, or Validate DoDAACs. 165191 Article rating: 3.9
2021 GSA Global Supply Annual Supply Catalog 2021 GSA Global Supply Annual Supply Catalog 22962 Article rating: 3.9
NSN Now NSN-NOW was developed in 1999 with the simple concept of using email-notifications to alert companies of government solicitations primarily within the Aerospace industry. 36652 Article rating: 3.9
FAAST FAAST (Force And Asset Search Tool) provides near "Real Time" Asset Visibility, can be used from anywhere an Internet connection is available, provides capability to filter and view data by designated Task Force and/or specific operation, and is capable of supporting Joint Operations. 50417 Article rating: 3.8
DLA Customer Assistance Handbook and the 2019-2020 JD Calendar The DLA Customer Assistance Handbook is marked FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY and is not open to the public. 15553 Article rating: 3.8
DLA DAASINQ Information can be obtained on DoD Activity Address Code (DoDAAC), DoDAAC by Communications Routing Identifier (COMMRI), DoDAAC by Billing RI, Routing Identifier Code (RIC), COMMRI, MAPAC, National Identification Number (NIIN), and Zip Codes. 57368 Article rating: 3.7