20 year anniversary

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One Portal, Many Operations. One-Stop-Shop, with all the information operators need in one place, Distribute.mil enables faster execution. Empowering Tools, operators execute tasks with technology that works for them..

8174 Article rating: No rating


Military Daily News

6684 Article rating: No rating

DoD Forms Management

The Department of Defense (DoD) Forms Management Program is administered by the Information Management Division (IMD)

8482 Article rating: No rating

Worldwide Currency Converter

Calculate live currency and foreign exchange rates with this free currency converter.

6540 Article rating: No rating

EDA DoD Contract Status

Electronic Document Access (EDA)is an online system designed to provide acquisition related information for use by all of the Department of Defense.

11459 Article rating: No rating


Provides information on 42 million technical drawings stored throughout the DoD. Military Engineering Data Asset Locator System (MEDALS)

7447 Article rating: No rating

NAVSUP One Supply

The One Supply Suite of Logistics Applications’ ultimate goal/mission is to develop the “next generation” information technology landscape optimized to support the Distance Support tenets of moving workload ashore, eliminating unnecessary work, and transforming traditional supply and logistics work.

7583 Article rating: No rating
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