20 year anniversary

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DoD White Pages

Users of the DoD Enterprise White Pages can utilize a combination of search fields and techniques in order to quickly and easily locate an individual for whom they are searching.

103055 Article rating: 4.0


Allows universal, permission-governed access via web browser and any www-connected computer

17327 Article rating: 4.0

DPAS Table of Allowance

All commands under NECC are required to add items over 5K that are not part of the regular Table of Allowance, to this inventory program.

7677 Article rating: 4.0

Navy Technical Assistance for Repairables Processing TARP

TARP is a NAVSUP Weapon Systems Support (WSS) (formerly NAVICP) program and is responsible for exercising general oversight of the Navy/s repairable assets, including the PHS&T elements of both Ready for Issue (RFI) and non-Ready for Issue (NRFI) assets.

14563 Article rating: 4.0

Army Property

Good Property Accountability Saves Soldiers' Lives. Our system was invented in Iraq in 2005, and it lets small units easily manage and delegate combat equipment at the squad / detachment, platoon, or higher levels, if PBUSE or other tools are not available or sufficient.

11378 Article rating: 4.0

Part Target

We have the resources needed to identify the required components

12135 Article rating: 4.0
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