20 year anniversary

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Navy Awards Website

The web site contains a wealth of information for active duty personnel, veterans, and those in Administrative Offices responsible for preparing and submitting awards.

28933 Article rating: 3.9

Navy Change Notice and Price Updates

Navy ERP web site which contains a history of Change Notices and Annual Price Updates. Must have a CAC and be on a NMCI computer.

14933 Article rating: 2.0

Navy COGs

The most complete Navy COG listing you will ever find.

62196 Article rating: 3.7

Navy e-Learning

Sailors depend on NeL to help advance their careers and stay current with training requirements. Courses range from general military training to specific training for individual units.

70081 Article rating: 4.6

Navy ERP

Welcome to the NAVSUP and Navy ERP website! This is your site for all information on Navy ERP @ NAVSUP

132090 Article rating: 3.7

Navy Issuances

Digital collection of unclassified issuances released by the Secretary of the Navy and Chief of Naval Operations.

8115 Article rating: No rating

Navy Lodge

Find A Navy Lodge With many locations worldwide, we've made it easier to find a lodge you are looking for.

6427 Article rating: No rating


Data is collected from all Naval Systems Commands on a daily basis and is maintained in the following records on the database: Contractor CAGE Information, Debarment/Suspension, Contract Delivery Data, DLA Contractor Alert List, GIDEP Alerts, Material Inspection Records, Product Quality Deficiency Reports, Qualified Product List, Special Quality Data, Surveys, and Test Reports

15577 Article rating: 5.0
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