Navy e-Learning Sailors depend on NeL to help advance their careers and stay current with training requirements. Courses range from general military training to specific training for individual units. 87887 Article rating: 4.6
USMC LOGWAY Logway allows for convenient access to SL-2 and SL-3 publications along with all publications dealing with each TAMCN item. Logway works in conjunction with Marine Corps Technical Publications website making it easier to search for certain publications. 84452 Article rating: 3.1
CLC2S - Common Logistics Command & Control System - CLC2S maintenance on Friday, Oct 9, from 0830 to 1200 eastern - TCPT maintenance on Friday, Oct 9, from 1000 to 1100 eastern CLC2S - Common Logistics Command & Control System 67706 Article rating: 4.1
Single Mobility System SMS is a web-based computer system that provides visibility of air, sea, and land transportation assets and provides aggregated reporting of cargo and passenger movements. SMS does this by collecting plane, ship, and truck movement data from other computer systems such as IGC, CAMPS, GDSS, JALIS, DTTS, and ANGMU. SMS also provides requirement management and mission building services for the Air Force Reserve. 66858 Article rating: 4.0
DLA DAASINQ Information can be obtained on DoD Activity Address Code (DoDAAC), DoDAAC by Communications Routing Identifier (COMMRI), DoDAAC by Billing RI, Routing Identifier Code (RIC), COMMRI, MAPAC, National Identification Number (NIIN), and Zip Codes. 57215 Article rating: 3.7
USMC LCMI Portal The LCMI Portal provides a gateway to all LOGCOM managed Enterprise Logistics Support System tools and applications and centralizes common features such as user profile customization. 54921 Article rating: 4.0
SM&R Codes SM&R Codes SM&R Code is a six-position code used to identify the source of SE end items and the lowest levels of maintenance activities authorized. 52809 Article rating: 4.4
NAVSUP Naval Logisitics Library (NLL) Naval supply Systems Command Naval Logisitics Library (NLL). The NLL is the central link in the Navy publications supply chain. The NLL contains Navy publication knowledge management features and provides full supply support 46409 Article rating: 4.0
DLA WebVLIPS DLA WEB Visual Logistics Information and Processing System. WEB VLIPS is a web based, access controlled query system that is useable from any Internet attached PC. It accesses the Logistics On-line Tracking System (LOTS), a DAASC relational database system, which portrays the life cycle of a logistics action. 45870 Article rating: 4.5
DLA WebFLIS WebFLIS provides essential information about supply items including the National Stock Number, the item name, manufacturers and suppliers (including part numbers), through a web interface connected to FLIS data. 45271 Article rating: 4.0
Stock Control System SCS Stock Control System (SCS) provides Technical (FEDLOG) Information, Asset Availability and Requisition Status for USMC and AF. 40616 Article rating: 3.8
Defense Table of Official Distances DTOD The Defense Table of Official Distances (DTOD) is the official source for worldwide distance information used by the Department of Defense (DoD). 39900 Article rating: 4.3